10 feb 2021

Marijke De Roover

Verschillende werken

Live, Laugh, Limerence

In haar operavoorstelling Live, Laugh, Limerence zet De Roover vraagtekens bij uitdrukking van liefde die in mainstream cultuur vooral worden gekenmerkt door heteronormatieve structuren; de clichés van romcoms, musical, opera, karaoke en Disney. 

Vaak probeert (pop)muziek te beschrijven hoe we ons voelen als we verliefd zijn, maar op deze manier schrijven ze ook vóór; ze vertellen hoe we ons zouden moeten voelen, creëren normen die we kunnen vergelijken met onze eigen ervaringen. Opera's in het bijzonder, staan bol van de gewelddadige verhalen – passionele vertellingen vol sociale ongelijkheid, en meestal met een tragische afloop. Operaverhalen zijn wreed, vooral richting vrouwen en minderheden. 

De Roover is geïnteresseerd in het ondermijnen van dit soort heteronormatieve culturele dynamieken, haar werk zoekt de ruimte op voor andere soorten van liefde in de hedendaagse populaire cultuur. 

niche content for frustrated queers

In de serie niche content for frustrated queers, bevestigt De Roover heteronormativiteit als de heersende seksuele geaardheid. Maar in het licht van Generation Y’s online pessimisme en zelfspot, raakt ze geïnspireerd door memes als ‘distracted boyfriend’, ‘drake hotline bling meme’, ‘there are no girls on the internet’ en ‘fun with foucault’. Ze deelt in deze memes een manier van denken die laat zien hoe geïnstitutionaliseerde, alomtegenwoordige heteroseksualiteit het begrip van gender (en andere sociale categorieën) vormt, en elke kritische analyse van de gevolgen hiervan onmogelijk maakt.

Adult puzzles but it's putting together pieces of unresolved trauma (100+ hrs of family fun), 2020
Adult puzzles but it's putting together pieces of unresolved trauma (100+ hrs of family fun), 2020
As an experiential learner i need to fuck around to find out, 2020
As an experiential learner i need to fuck around to find out, 2020
Do jokes help? no. do they hurt? only if they’re any good, 2020
Do jokes help? no. do they hurt? only if they’re any good, 2020
Each of our lives is a Shakespearean drama raised to the thousandth degree, 2020
Each of our lives is a Shakespearean drama raised to the thousandth degree, 2020
Everything I want is tied to conditions I can’t meet, 2020
Everything I want is tied to conditions I can’t meet, 2020
Fifty years ago we could travel to the moon. Now we can't even leave the house, 2020
Fifty years ago we could travel to the moon. Now we can't even leave the house, 2020
Getting nowhere requires incredible patience, 2020
Getting nowhere requires incredible patience, 2020
Heterosexuality is a cult, 2020
Heterosexuality is a cult, 2020
How about if I sleep a little bit longer and forget all this nonsense, 2021
How about if I sleep a little bit longer and forget all this nonsense, 2021
I got a lifetime achievement award but the achievement was making a lifetime of stupid decisions in a 1-yr span, 2021
I got a lifetime achievement award but the achievement was making a lifetime of stupid decisions in a 1-yr span, 2021
I hold the world record for most dates with girls who are actually straight, 2021
I hold the world record for most dates with girls who are actually straight, 2021
I’m only addicted sometimes, 2020
I’m only addicted sometimes, 2020
I’m still standing better than i ever did, looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid, 2021
I’m still standing better than i ever did, looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid, 2021
I’m still standing better than i ever did, looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid, 2021
I’m still standing better than i ever did, looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid, 2021
Leaving for the right reasons is hot af, 2021
Leaving for the right reasons is hot af, 2021
Life is short but at least it’s terrible, 2020
Life is short but at least it’s terrible, 2020
Look out kid, it's somethin' you did. god knows when, but you're doin' it again, 2021
Look out kid, it's somethin' you did. god knows when, but you're doin' it again, 2021
Middle aged people be sending “k.” texts not knowing the weight it carries, 2020
Middle aged people be sending “k.” texts not knowing the weight it carries, 2020
Ok now back to me and how I feel about stuff, 2020
Ok now back to me and how I feel about stuff, 2020
Once again i'm convinced that i'm too emotional for a day job, 2020
Once again i'm convinced that i'm too emotional for a day job, 2020
Ooh this sh*t be hittin different, 2020
Ooh this sh*t be hittin different, 2020
Self care just sounds like more work for me, no thank you, 2020
Self care just sounds like more work for me, no thank you, 2020
Sit back and enjoy the shitshow, 2020
Sit back and enjoy the shitshow, 2020
Sometimes grown-ups touch tongues, 2020
Sometimes grown-ups touch tongues, 2020
Sorry. you caught me at a bad historical moment, 2020
Sorry. you caught me at a bad historical moment, 2020
The age old dilemma - delete all social media so nobody hears a word from me ever again - making a meme about every single thought i have, 2021
The age old dilemma - delete all social media so nobody hears a word from me ever again - making a meme about every single thought i have, 2021
The only thing worse than a poet is a comedian, 2020
The only thing worse than a poet is a comedian, 2020
Those who don’t learn from history are d̶o̶o̶m̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶p̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶ somehow in charge of the curriculum, 2020
Those who don’t learn from history are d̶o̶o̶m̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶p̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶ somehow in charge of the curriculum, 2020
When i get confused the little mouse pointer in my brain just starts clicking on everything trying to uncover an object of relevance, 2020
When i get confused the little mouse pointer in my brain just starts clicking on everything trying to uncover an object of relevance, 2020
Woke up into the night of a new day and fell peacefully asleep again dreaming about what songs i will sing at the next karaoke, 2020
Woke up into the night of a new day and fell peacefully asleep again dreaming about what songs i will sing at the next karaoke, 2020