Info for artists

How is a collaboration with de Brakke Grond established?

De Brakke Grond works with artists who are active in the visual arts, music, theatre, dance and transdisciplinary art forms, who are based - in terms of their work practice - in Flanders and Brussels. We support them in building a long-lasting connection with the Netherlands (with both partners and audiences). 

De Brakke Grond aims to enter into a sustainable relationship with artists, instead of programming a one-off concert, performance or exhibition. This means that we have limited space within our own programme for new artists. 

Of course, we are open to new talent. Are you an artist and would you like to work with us? Then we would like to get to know you before moving on to programming your work. Feel free to e-mail us a proposal. Please include text, audio, images or video of your work if possible. 

Collaboration with de Brakke Grond is subject to a number of conditions. The following basic preconditions are central to our consideration of a collaboration:

  • The artist must be based in in Flanders or Brussels; for example, you work with partners in Flanders, and/or produce your work with the support of funding from the Flemish government.
  • The artist intends to enter into a long term collaborative process with de Brakke Grond, or has a special interest in the development of a practice in the Netherlands. The intention is to build up a sustainable connection with the Dutch art sector and audience.
  • The artist has already established a work practice in Flanders or Brussels, is (in most cases) not a recent graduate or at the beginning of their career path, and understands that such a cross-border collaboration requires a significant investment.
  • The artist has a close affinity with the artistic vision of de Brakke Grond, which is founded upon complementarity with the field in the Netherlands, discussion of dominant norms and structures and social urgency.

Leading points of de Brakke Grond’s policy:

  • De Brakke Grond plays the role of an intermediary between Flemish artists and Dutch partners and is always looking to broaden the network in the Netherlands for the artist. It is beneficial if you already have concrete connections with the Netherlands.
  • De Brakke Grond strives to be an organisation that represents and amplifies many different voices. We consider it important that everyone feels as represented and welcome as possible.
  • De Brakke Grond stimulates Flemish-Dutch co-creation and exchange between Flemish and Dutch artists.  
  • De Brakke Grond is an interdisciplinary arts centre. The venue offers different spaces (both theatre and exhibition spaces) and our orginazation provides productional, technical and artistic expertise in relation to various disciplines (music, performing arts and visual arts). We are particularly interested in transdisciplinary art practices.
  • We always look for an appropriate context within which to present and support an artist’s work. To achieve this, we work with a range of local and national partners, venues and festivals.

You can contact the artistic team in relation to a specific project, proposal or enquiry at any time. If you would like to submit a proposal, please ensure your proposal adheres to the conditions.