"Hi, allow me to introduce myself, I am a postal parcel! I consist of cellulose and lignin fibres, some stretches of tape and a premise to keep your stuff in one piece. My appearance is like a shell, the inner void enabling me to contain things. Whether it’s socks or noodles, vibrators or fentanyl: I will enclose myself around practically any consumer goods on the planet.
All this time I was only one click away from you. Until, abracadabra: I arrived at your doorstep. In order for me to get to you I rolled, slid, bumped and hopped from node to node, trodding the vast logistical maze that covers our planet like a candy wrapper. During my travels I encounter X-ray scanners, dog noses sniffing at me, or rough handling if I’m unlucky. Sometimes I end up bruised. And when I finally arrive and all the hard work is done: I end up in the paper bin.
But not this time.
You see, I’m actually not your average parcel. Instead of containing consumer goods, I contain digital eyes and ears; instruments that allow you to sense a space that is normally inaccessible to you. Come along to join the ride!"